Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mystery visitors

I don't have a very big readership - possibly because I don't have much to say, and I don't say it very often. It's just a little bit of me (the nice tidy version) on the few occasions I can get close to the computer.

So, when I weed out all the random visitors who stumble on this blog I find that I have two reasonably loyal viewers. One in Christchurch and one in Auckland. A big cheery hello to you both! I'm no technical whiz - so I don't know who you are. I do know one of you uses a Mac :-) and one doesn't :-(

If you're ever feeling chatty feel free to send me a comment one day. Otherwise I'll just continue on with my self indulgent bits and pieces.

Osu (if you're a karate dude)

Cheers (if you're not)

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