Saturday, March 03, 2007

I am pathetic

I weighed myself this morning, it wasn't down as much as I wanted - for a variety of reasons (one pretty bloody obvious reason actually!). And so I ate chocolate. Like that is really going to help the cause. Duh, dumb, dumb, dumb...DUMB.

It's such an arse that I use food both as a reward for losing weight and as commiseration for not losing weight. Damned if I do damned if I don't.

Truly, I am pathetic.


Anonymous said...

I've done that before too...almost as if I say "why bother" then make it are just human.

Jo said...

Oh, you're just happy because you got the JOB!!!!!
But thx all the same, sweetie!

I was just posting it because I don't want to tell the Man, but he reads this so he'll get to know eventually, without me going all goo goo gah gah, 'I'm pathetic' all over his shoulder.
Tomorrow is another day. In fact tea-time is another opportunity to choose wisely and maybe a little walk as well...onwards, ever onwards...