Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Fab site!

You (vast number of readers) probably already know about this site. I figure that by the time I know of anything vaguely cool; Blogs, u tube, whatever, it is not actually cool anymore. But hey, just trying to help.

Google reader (well the minute portion of it that I utilise) is basically an inbox for all your favourite web sites. I am only using it for my favourite Blogs. It means that I can open up one site and it tells me which Blogs have been updated. No more opening each Blog each day (or five times a day when bored) just one look and I can see who has been productive straight away.

It’s easy to load them; they have a wee box that searches for ‘feeds’. Only two Blogs out of the many loaded don’t seem to have feed. Kim (?) why?????

But it has revolutionised my blogging. Super cool. Thoroughly recommend it.

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